i exported my post to this blog link- so as to save space as a guest on's comment pages. I have to be careful what i say- or else im censored. a link to another vlog should be innocent enough; and bloggers/media types do it all the time.. (copy and paste this link ont a new tab on your browser..)- feel free to comment there as well.. thank you, wane for your patience, and thank you in general, for letting me speak.
dude worked at a responsible job, at a major local employer, he was married, and had assets to put up as bail; and friends willing to stand by his side. He had run ins witht eh New Haven PD- mostly- minor offenses- likely for "driving while black, or profiling. New Haven as a rule- has a very small if any black population, and in general- doesnt like black folks in their town. just saying.. - so- Mr washington and his friend go to a popular , fairly safe- ( not counting all the mayhem at Pieres, VIP; etc -recently). the MEDIA, NOR THE POLICE- have released the police reports/incident reports of control numbers - of the "he said- she said- they said:.. so- Mr washington, and friends are at the bar drinking, playing pool, etc. NEXT- WE HAVE 3 WHITE RURAL TYPES from waay out of town- one- mr CHAD A JACKSON- has a felony criminal record- look it up on "mycase"( google that term- the state wide Odyssey court case system- shows that Mr Washington, and his named friend mr DeLong- have farily typical fort wayne criminal records- minor run ins- misdemeanors- for weekend social drinking, and driving home from the bar. everyone does it.. AND- recent domestic trubles with wife- per court records.. - SO- THE POLICE REPORTS and witnesses - will show who started what with whome, and what the cause was- we can speculate- but im guessing it has to do with mr Jacksons experiences ( and his YET TO BE NAMED ASSOCIATES)-experiences in PRISON, and concurrent dislike of black dudes.. for starters, Im speculating ehre. MR CHAD A JACKSON9 is either - one court file says COKE DEALER; and the other court record for the same of different CHAD A JACKSON- as a REPEAT CHILD MOLESTER.. go look it up. So- depending on how the bar fight got started- one could reasonably argue that MR WASHINGTON WAS IN FEAR OF HISLIFE- IN DANGER( and his friends)- ans USED HIS GUN TO STAND HIS GROUND, AND SHOT MR JACKSON- OBVIOUSLY FROM COURT RECORDS A REAL P.O.S... then fled with his friend- WHO WOULDNT SKEDATTLE OUT OF THERE? you dont shoot someone- self defeNse, or other wise- and stick around.. - NEXT- we have the 3 white redneck/felons from out of town- racing from the bar- to the hostpital- because one of their pals has been shot in the neck- why wait for the ambulance? - so- Mr washington, and his friend, see the SUV chasing them( but not really- 2 different reasons- and speed through a red light , to get away. - TRAGICALLY- THE YOUNG WOMAN WHO DIED- didnt know that you never drive from any red light in fort wayne, without checking again- to amke sure- someone sint racing across the intersectionj- i see it all the time on coliseum blvd- some truck either blowing off a light entirely, or too short to stop for the yelow to green- and if you dont look both ways, and count to 10- you re dead..
so- i see clearly- no matter what race, or color- of the driver- CLEARLY- VEHICULAR HOMICIDE- THAT WILL OR SHOULD BE COUNTED IN THE ANNUAL HOMICIDE DEATH TOLL/CASUALTY LIST. as for the BLACK DUDE SHOOTING THE WHITE REDNECK OUT OF TOWN REPEAT CHILD MOLESTER/COKE DEALER? well- in an ironic way- maybe mr Washigton was doing us all a favor? and just glad no one else was caught in the criss-fire?- AND- IF A DIDNT HAPPEN- B- NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, ANDC- there would not be a dead young women, killed in a tragic car crash. - so- lets not put all the blame on the black man( men..)- before WE AS RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS CONCERNED ABOUT JUSTICE LYNCH THIS DUDE. LOK AT THAT INDY COP- DAVID BISARD- I DIDNT SEE THE LYNCH MOBS AT THE READY WITH HIM?DID YOU? and perhaps a change of venue- for mr washington would be called for?Indy? perhaps?
so- lets make sure we know all the facts before we rush to judgement.
MAYBE WE SHOULD CLOSE ALL THE LIQUOR STORES, AND BARS;TAVERNS;PUBS, AND CLUBS- TO "STOP THE SCOURGE OF DRUNK DRIVING( as Senator Tom Wyss has shown to be so effective?) the law used to be .10; so .15- for someone who drinks isnt that intoxicated, as far as impairment, where someone who never drinks- feed them 6 beers, and they ll puke on your shoes.. FEAR- IS UNPREDICTABLE..
so- heres a news story for you to check out- all the mis-reporting about the haley nellum/corner pocket incident- such as this- the girl was driving a small silver toyota- NOT A RED PICKUP toyota- not a red pick-up truck. mr washington, and mr delong- were the only"2" vs 3 white felon rednecks from wolcottville; - Mr chad a jackson- according to mycase has either felonies for repeat child molester, and/or felony cocaine dealing; who were the other 2 associates of his yet un named- associates/accomplices- who pushed whomfirst? who said what to whom first- seems local folks here are bent on a "hihg tech lynching of mr washington?- and that Prosecutor Karen richards ; up for re-election- is LOVING THIS CASE- her re-election is assured- if she can put mr washington away for life..- unfortunatley- not to be- as Indy david bisard only got 12 ys do 6 - for HIS DUI vehicular homicide( helps if youre a cop?- and thast mrWashington- shold 1- request a changeof venure to say- Gary Indiana? AND- should claim STAND YOUR GROUND law- new in Indiana - last year or 2 AND- did the white trash rednecks call mr washington the "N" word? so much of the story- from the police reports is untold- theres so much "rest of the story"- as Paul Harvey would have said-- if the white dudes at corner paocket ; and mr washington, and his friend- hadnt goetten into an ALTERCATION"- new media word for this bar fight- then Ms nellum would be alive.- also- the JG- monday said she was "in the wrong place at the wrong time"-NOT- she was where she was supposed to be. SHE WAS BLINDSIDED BY DEATH- NEVER SAW IT COMING, likely never felt a thing- She was almost home by midnight- when her mother likely said- be home by midnight- so - she WAS where she was supposed to be- just a tragic intersection(?)- of a bad incident. ALSO- ALL PARENTS- need to teach their kids- with new driving licenses in fort wayne about the COLISEUM BLVD STANDING 8 COUNT- whenever a stoplight in fort wayne turns green- look both waysAGAIN- COUNT TO 8- LOOK BOTH WAYS AGAIN- THEN proceed- I have seen dozens of crashes, and seen dozens of SEMI TRUCKS and other drivers blowing through yellow/red lights on coliseum blvd- which if someone DIDNT DO THE STANDING 8 COUNT- WOULD BE DEAD- FROM A 40,000 LBTRUCK DOING 40 MPh-
mR WASHINGTON ALSO SAID HE FIRED SEVERAL ROUNDS BACKWARDS AT the rednecks- who he thought were chasing him- and was changing magazines in his gun- so- did the police bother to check for spent brass casings on st joe road- to verify the s tory; and to gather crucial evidence? WITNESSES AT THE BAR? POLICE REPORTS- OF who started what with whom; and so on.. - AL SHARPTON NEEDS TO HEAR ABOUT THIS- because the locals- read the coments at the news media blogs/pages- are like i said- out with their pitch-forks, and torches-and NOW- mr Washington is DISARMED; and defenseless..- ( did he have a proper handgun permit? the news hasnt said. ATTEMPTEDMURDER? More like SELF DEFENSE/STAND YOUR GROUND.. ANYWAY. you should post the police reports on-line/PDF- SO EVERYONE CAN READ FOR THEMSELVES- from the court docket file..
A supplemental affidavit for probable cause said Washington told an IPFW Police officer that as the two vehicles neared the intersection of Hobson and Stellhorn, Washington's vehicle then struck the side of the red pickup that Nellum was in. Witnesses told police they saw no shots fired from the victim's car, nor were any shell casings or firearms found in that vehicle.
Washington is being held in the Allen County Jail in lieu of a $50,000 bond. His next court appearance is June 6 for a hearing.
Haley M. Nellum, a happy, teenager beloved by her family and friends, a sophomore at Bishop Dwenger High School who played on its basketball team, loved to dance and take photos, and spent time serving her community, will be buried today.
That such a person would become a wholly collateral victim of what began as an argument and shooting incident outside a bar might seem most unlikely. She was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. But if a 17-year-old driving her car at Stellhorn and Hobson roads is in the wrong place, she is a grim reminder that we all are at risk.
The fight and shooting that led to Nellum’s death in a car accident a few minutes later was violence of a kind that hasn’t gotten much attention lately: the truly random kind.
According to charging documents, 35-year-old Jeremy D. Washington was in the Corner Pocket Pub near St. Joe and St. Joe Center roads when he and two friends got into an argument with three others. They were asked to leave the bar. But the altercation continued in the parking lot and led to Washington pulling out a .45-caliber handgun and shooting one of the men, authorities say.
Racing away from the scene, it’s alleged, Washington ran a red light and plowed into Nellum’s car. A blood-alcohol test showed Washington’s blood-alcohol level at nearly double the legal limit.
Capt. Kevin Hunter, who heads the city’s Gang and Violence Task Force, said none of those involved in the shooting the night of March 28 are known to be gang members. (The very next night, in the same neighborhood, the Gang and Violent Crime Task Force investigated an altercation at the Peanuts bar in which a man was hospitalized with gunshot wounds.)
The Corner Pub, a pleasant place for a sandwich or a friendly game of pool, is hardly the only local establishment where drinking has led to violence, and nothing suggests that anything but bad choices by the protagonists involved bear responsibility for this tragedy.
But it’s a good moment to remind those who operate bars that they need to do what they can to keep things civil and safe both inside and outside their establishments. Don’t overserve patrons. Keep an eye out for trouble. And worry about what happens in the parking lot.
Law-enforcement leaders want to see owners and managers take a little more responsibility for what goes on inside and outside their establishments.
“I’d like to see them step up their game a little bit,” Fort Wayne Police Chief Garry Hamilton, speaking about bars in general, said this week. “If they think there’s a problem, give us a call.”
If they can’t control their patrons, they should expect that police will step in, even if that’s perceived as bad for business.
“One of the owners (of a local bar) got upset that we were there in the parking lot, trying to do police work,” he said.
Perhaps the best way to honor young Haley Nellums would be for everyone to become a little more aware of how dangerous it is to drink and carry a gun, or to drink and drive, or, God forbid, to do both.
That such a person would become a wholly collateral victim of what began as an argument and shooting incident outside a bar might seem most unlikely. She was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. But if a 17-year-old driving her car at Stellhorn and Hobson roads is in the wrong place, she is a grim reminder that we all are at risk.
The fight and shooting that led to Nellum’s death in a car accident a few minutes later was violence of a kind that hasn’t gotten much attention lately: the truly random kind.
According to charging documents, 35-year-old Jeremy D. Washington was in the Corner Pocket Pub near St. Joe and St. Joe Center roads when he and two friends got into an argument with three others. They were asked to leave the bar. But the altercation continued in the parking lot and led to Washington pulling out a .45-caliber handgun and shooting one of the men, authorities say.
Racing away from the scene, it’s alleged, Washington ran a red light and plowed into Nellum’s car. A blood-alcohol test showed Washington’s blood-alcohol level at nearly double the legal limit.
Capt. Kevin Hunter, who heads the city’s Gang and Violence Task Force, said none of those involved in the shooting the night of March 28 are known to be gang members. (The very next night, in the same neighborhood, the Gang and Violent Crime Task Force investigated an altercation at the Peanuts bar in which a man was hospitalized with gunshot wounds.)
The Corner Pub, a pleasant place for a sandwich or a friendly game of pool, is hardly the only local establishment where drinking has led to violence, and nothing suggests that anything but bad choices by the protagonists involved bear responsibility for this tragedy.
But it’s a good moment to remind those who operate bars that they need to do what they can to keep things civil and safe both inside and outside their establishments. Don’t overserve patrons. Keep an eye out for trouble. And worry about what happens in the parking lot.
Law-enforcement leaders want to see owners and managers take a little more responsibility for what goes on inside and outside their establishments.
“I’d like to see them step up their game a little bit,” Fort Wayne Police Chief Garry Hamilton, speaking about bars in general, said this week. “If they think there’s a problem, give us a call.”
If they can’t control their patrons, they should expect that police will step in, even if that’s perceived as bad for business.
“One of the owners (of a local bar) got upset that we were there in the parking lot, trying to do police work,” he said.
Perhaps the best way to honor young Haley Nellums would be for everyone to become a little more aware of how dangerous it is to drink and carry a gun, or to drink and drive, or, God forbid, to do both.
Statement as issued Saturday morning by the Fort Wayne Police Department:
Incident Date: 03/29/2014
Incident Time: 12:04 AM
Incident Location: Stellhorn Rd/Hobson Rd
Victim: Female / Deceased
Suspect Arrested: Jeremy D. Washington, Male, Age 35
Preliminary Charges: Operating While Intoxicated Causing Death, Aggravated Battery, Criminal Recklessness Causing Serious Bodily Injury
On Saturday, 03/29/2014, at approximately 12:04 AM, the City of Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the intersection of Stellhorn Road and Hobson Road reference a vehicle crash with injuries. Officers arrived and located the two crash vehicles south of the intersection on Hobson Road. The driver of the vehicle that was traveling southbound Hobson Road was able to exit the vehicle. His passenger was trapped in the vehicle and required assistance from the Fort Wayne Fire Department exiting the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle that was traveling eastbound Stellhorn Road was unconscious and unresponsive when officers arrived. Paramedics and fire personnel pronounced the victim deceased at the scene. Paramedics transported the driver to a local hospital in fair condition and his passenger to a local hospital in serious condition.
Just prior to the vehicle crash, at approximately 12:01 AM, officers were dispatched to 3215 St. Joe Center Road, the Corner Pocket Pub, reference a subject firing a weapon. Witnesses reported hearing gunshots and observed two vehicles exit the parking lot southbound at a high rate of speed.
Shortly after the vehicle crash, at approximately 12:19, a shooting victim arrived at the Parkview Hospital Emergency Room at 2200 Randallia Drive. Officers observed the vehicle the victim was transported to the hospital in had a bullet hole(s) on its exterior. The shooting victim was transported by Paramedics from Parkview Randallia to another local hospital in serious condition. The victim told Detectives he was in the parking lot of the Corner Pocket Pub when he was shot.
Preliminary reports indicate these three investigations are related. It appears the occupants of the vehicle that caused the crash were involved in an altercation at the Corner Pocket Pub. One of the occupants in the suspect vehicle fired gunshots in the parking lot that struck the shooting victim. The suspect vehicle then fled the parking lot southbound at a high rate of speed. Witnesses reported the vehicle disregarded the red stoplight at the intersection of Stellhorn Road and Hobson Road and struck the vehicle traveling eastbound Stellhorn Road.
Hobson Road remained closed to all traffic between Stellhorn Road and Timberhill Drive while investigators processed the scene and collected evidence. The roadway was reopened at 5:31 AM.
Detectives are currently interviewing witnesses and have the suspect, Jeremy D. Washington, in custody. Alcohol was a factor in this fatal vehicle crash. This incident remains under investigation by the City of Fort Wayne Police Department, the Allen County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, and the Allen County Coroner's Office. There are no additional details regarding this investigation at this time. The Allen County Coroner's Office will release the victim's identity.
Assisting Agencies:
IPFW Police Department
City of Fort Wayne Fire Department
Three Rivers Ambulance Authority
Officer Jason Anthony
Public Information Officer
City of Fort Wayne Police Department
Incident Date: 03/29/2014
Incident Time: 12:04 AM
Incident Location: Stellhorn Rd/Hobson Rd
Victim: Female / Deceased
Suspect Arrested: Jeremy D. Washington, Male, Age 35
Preliminary Charges: Operating While Intoxicated Causing Death, Aggravated Battery, Criminal Recklessness Causing Serious Bodily Injury
On Saturday, 03/29/2014, at approximately 12:04 AM, the City of Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the intersection of Stellhorn Road and Hobson Road reference a vehicle crash with injuries. Officers arrived and located the two crash vehicles south of the intersection on Hobson Road. The driver of the vehicle that was traveling southbound Hobson Road was able to exit the vehicle. His passenger was trapped in the vehicle and required assistance from the Fort Wayne Fire Department exiting the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle that was traveling eastbound Stellhorn Road was unconscious and unresponsive when officers arrived. Paramedics and fire personnel pronounced the victim deceased at the scene. Paramedics transported the driver to a local hospital in fair condition and his passenger to a local hospital in serious condition.
Just prior to the vehicle crash, at approximately 12:01 AM, officers were dispatched to 3215 St. Joe Center Road, the Corner Pocket Pub, reference a subject firing a weapon. Witnesses reported hearing gunshots and observed two vehicles exit the parking lot southbound at a high rate of speed.
Shortly after the vehicle crash, at approximately 12:19, a shooting victim arrived at the Parkview Hospital Emergency Room at 2200 Randallia Drive. Officers observed the vehicle the victim was transported to the hospital in had a bullet hole(s) on its exterior. The shooting victim was transported by Paramedics from Parkview Randallia to another local hospital in serious condition. The victim told Detectives he was in the parking lot of the Corner Pocket Pub when he was shot.
Preliminary reports indicate these three investigations are related. It appears the occupants of the vehicle that caused the crash were involved in an altercation at the Corner Pocket Pub. One of the occupants in the suspect vehicle fired gunshots in the parking lot that struck the shooting victim. The suspect vehicle then fled the parking lot southbound at a high rate of speed. Witnesses reported the vehicle disregarded the red stoplight at the intersection of Stellhorn Road and Hobson Road and struck the vehicle traveling eastbound Stellhorn Road.
Hobson Road remained closed to all traffic between Stellhorn Road and Timberhill Drive while investigators processed the scene and collected evidence. The roadway was reopened at 5:31 AM.
Detectives are currently interviewing witnesses and have the suspect, Jeremy D. Washington, in custody. Alcohol was a factor in this fatal vehicle crash. This incident remains under investigation by the City of Fort Wayne Police Department, the Allen County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, and the Allen County Coroner's Office. There are no additional details regarding this investigation at this time. The Allen County Coroner's Office will release the victim's identity.
Assisting Agencies:
IPFW Police Department
City of Fort Wayne Fire Department
Three Rivers Ambulance Authority
Officer Jason Anthony
Public Information Officer
City of Fort Wayne Police Department
i have an updated criminal record posting, due to some recent new information i am investigating:
it seems i have posted the name of the wrong mr jackson; so heres the complete indiana mycase /odyssey court system record..
also- i have received additional information from an anonymous source- that the mr jackson involved in this incident- is NOT A COKE DEALER; NOR ANY CONVICTIONS OF CHILD MOLESTING; AND- has only minor traffic violations. it seems he is a former allen county resident; and moved out to the country- to get away from FORT WAYNE- to live somewhere -in the slow lane/safer.
the anonymous source- has also indicated- that the victim; and the other 2 men involved- also do not have criminal records of consequence- also - just average dudes out at the bar- and not looking for trouble either.
i will keep you posted- watch this space..
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