Friday, May 23, 2014


Charlotte A. Weybright Any of the council members who goes on TV or are quoted in the print media as saying that "their constituents overwhelmingly favor ending collective bargaining" has just inserted a wedge that may be difficult to overcome.

If I were a public employee I would be upset, hurt, and defensive. Didier has already spouted that. This simply creates a "we" vs. "them" atmosphere and one which the public employees do not deserve.

I have started going back through the Economic Revitalization Areas beginning with 2011. I have fund some interesting ones so far. For example two companies were blessed with the tax abatement - approved in 2011 and have not even started their projects three years later.

Granted, they aren't drawing an abatement yet, but why is council approving ERAs so far ahead? I also found the form that they are supposed to file, so I am going to look at that angle.

And, I want to try to get some factual evidence to send in to council in addition to what Mark and Tim presented.
about an hour ago · Edited · Like

Charlotte A. Weybright I thought I had remembered that public sector employees tend to have a higher level of education than private employees.
about an hour ago · Like

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach Along those same lines- IF THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF- REALLY REALLY WANTED TO JAM UP THE GOP GUN CLUB/CoNVENTION LIKE A RUSTY BULLET:HERES 2 LOCAL LAWS TO DO SO- I would certainly say that an invasion of armed extremists walking around the streets of downtown armed- on city sidewalks- would constitue a public safety problem, if not an emergency- Mayor Henry; PSD YORK, and Chief Hamilton- should advise the GOP convention- that armed citizens wealking about downtown- will be stopped, inspected for proper gun permits, ID, criminal checks- and then ordered to return their guns to their vehicles, or their hotel rooms- as its a menace to public safety- given the passionate hostility between the Tea party, the NRA; and so-called "christian conservatives ( radical religious fundamentalist extremists)- im sure theres plenty of LEFT WING EXTREMISTS- who would love nothing more than shooting up the GOP convention, like the last scene of INGLORIOUS BASTERDS- where the nazi party was shot up? I dont have any guns, by the way- but with all the guns to be toted publicly- how would anybody know anyones elses motives? are the GOP? TEA? or who knows? AND- this also opens the door to groups such as a NAZI CONVENTION, OR KKK CONVENTION- to be able to do the same thing legally as well.
AND- im surprised the DID- downtown improvement district- is strangely silent about wanting to keep downtown safe, and peaceful- by advising their doiwntown businesses to post signs such as NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE- ; AND NO GUNS- MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON, OR NOE AT ALL?-much like Bars and saloons are allowed to do.
Speaking of bars, etc- Same thing- mix tea baggers with guns, and liquor, and soon they will be shooting off more than their mouths..
Suppose some political prankster was to smuggle a nice stick of loud firecrackers in to the GWC- and set them off- all the GOP gun n uts would whip out their guns and start shooting blindly at anyone else who had a gun- and it would be a magnificent bloodbath( best of all- because of all the elected GOP ballot slots it would clear- due to "accidental firearms discharges"? ANARCHY, CHAOS- WORST GOP CONVENTION EVER- AND ALL PREVENTABLE-BY THESE 2 LOCAL LAWS- and then the courts could decide after wards- later in june- but the mission awould be accomplished- the mayor and PSD, and COP could all claim they wqere merely protecting the citizens, and public safety, and keeping the peace? How much will all those dozens of city coips walking around downtown- insuring the gun nuts safety will THAT cost the CITIZENS?- better to jam up the gun nuts like a rusty bullet?
only ROACH- ITINERANT POLITICIAN- KNOW CITY CODE well enough to find the achilles heel..
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14 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach open the can of worms- so the KKK can have a rally downtown and tote their guns with impunity.. lets not set a bad precedent?
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13 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview

Charlotte A. Weybright David - the files didn't come through.
12 minutes ago · Like

11 minutes ago · Like

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach roger that- heres the citations: CITY CODE- ARTICLE 92-
10 minutes ago · Like

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach CITY CODE- CHAPTER 101- ASSEMBLIES, ETC..
10 minutes ago · Like

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach
American Legal Publishing - Online Library
10 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach downtown fort wayne- gun free zone; not free fire zone.. no guns allowed in any private businesses- and as for those walking around downtown public sidewalks- with assault rifles, and toting guns- well thats clearly a public safety matter- and thats up to the public safety director to direct; the chief of police to police; the sheriff to well- sheriff; and the MAYOR, AND CITY COUNCILMAN/COP CHIEF BENDER- and whatever happend to the law about masndatory retirement age of 60; and the state lawa bout not holding 2 offices- such as deputy police chief, AND councilman? 2 lucrative offices? hmmmm not to mention nepotism cronyism, etc- govt inst supposed to be a family business, if it was- it would be called a monarchy?
7 minutes ago · Like

David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach FRANZ FERDINAND, 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF WW!, and SERBIAN anarchist conspirators shooting prominent public officials/royalty, etc.. AN INCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN. ONE SPARK, AND FOOM!! so- better to leave the guns in your trunk, locked up; or in your hotel room; and definitely not on the public streets or rithg of ways- where it will upset the locals. as for inside the hotel/GWC? inst it long time past to privatize the convenstion center? and so on? one accidental discharge of someones firearm- and who knows who might get shot? or a string of firecrackers( THAT suggestion should be enough to AJM UP THE GUN NUTS LIKE A RUSTY BULLET.. lol but not me- im going to be far far away form downtown, so no one can blame me- i will have a safe securel well docimented alibi..( like al capone..) tee hee!!
about a minute ago ·

  • Laura Ann Eckert Thanks for your input and animation David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach. I guess maybe I'm a little more simple minded. I only imagined the city shutting down the week prior to convention and letting natural stink insult those who choose to have no reguard for us who think differently than themselves
    15 mins · Unlike · 1
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach yes- thats a brilliant idea- Laura Ann Eckert- im always happy to amuse, entertain, and enlighten . I LOOVE the idea- of shutting oFF the water downtown- from June 4th or so to June 7th, or so- Councilman DOC crawford has shot himself in the foot with his planned calander for passage- June 3rd? i think most Democrat leaning normal citizens would not be too troubled if the CITY UNIONS- took some sort of LABOR DIRECT ACTION VS THE CITY COUNCIL- and went on strike- picket the downtown streets around the GWC- assuredly adding to the tensions of some sort of labor GOP outbreak- requiring the Mayor , the PSD, and the COP chief of police)- as well as the sheriff- to issue a decree of ( teehee MARSHALL/MARTIAL LAW)- to tell the gun nuts to keep their guns locked up; etc- but the timing is perfect- council passes the ordinance- june 3rd; the water shuts off as soon as the vote is passed- (as well as everything else- GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN- just like the tea party- they can hardly complain without being hyporcites?- and jam up the GOP like a rusty bullet..- MARSHALL LAW- - and im sure the city workers know enough to shut off everything downtown, except for germanfest. now we need to get the national media on this- MSNBC, especially-
    6 mins · Like
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach as fopr differences of opinion- in this age of hyper-partisanship; gridlock, and caused by tea party/Koch brothers extremism- i think that ignoring tea bag TROLLS, and mocking radical republicans- is perfectly fine- i have a large bag of insults for them- as trying to carrty onmeaningful dialogue or conversion, or heck- some centrist compromise- is pointless, and a waste of time, and effort; unless you enjoy baiting them, and getting them stirred up. me? im done, fini, finished- its war. really- poilitical war- with voctory going to the Kochs, and the tea party? or the rest of us?- so until things change- i wont bother herdiong cats . we need to march in lock step- vs these tea party nazis..( because historically speaking- thats how they rose to power, and look at all the trouble and carnage it took to put an end to it. As Mayberry Deputy sheriff is fond of saying- nip it in the bud..
    2 secs · Like

  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach as fopr differences of opinion- in this age of hyper-partisanship; gridlock, and caused by tea party/Koch brothers extremism- i think that ignoring tea bag TROLLS, and mocking radical republicans- is perfectly fine- i have a large bag of insults for th...See More
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach not exactly THREAD-JACKING. ; but when i use a cannon, as aNAVY VET- well- FIRE!!!
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach speaking of privatization- ANYWAY- JAM UP THE GOP like a rusty bullet- Crawford and jehl started the WAR ON WORKERS"- this is only the beginning- look for them to next bring up privatizing the water works, the sewer plant, and everyother cKOCH bors inspired scheme to wreck america for the working class. 

    in fact- we as democrats- SHOULD make Jehl, and Crawford, and the GOP/TREA- to make their views known on privatization- water works, sewer works, city utilities, what have you- they would privatize the police, fire if they could- St joe township- that a-55- hole- uhrick already has- WITH THE ST JOE FIRE DEPT- AND the AMBULANCE SERVICE- ISPRIVATIZED. so- why not also the 911 dispatch/ hmm- what else can we wreck, cannibalize, and privatize? - 
    im totally against all that- why not just leave things alone? Its the GOP "holy grail- the dick lugar unigov gemstone- the steve goldfinger/goldfarb/ whatever - INDY mayor- privatize everything- ditto for daniels- hes sure screwing up IPFW; Purdue; and such; and that froot loop PENCE- is on his way to hihger things- and leaving a trail of public education wreckage behind..?
David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach comparing fort wayne to detroit.. the BIG 3- ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY- has fallen on its ARSE.. ( fort wayne was on the supply line- from world war 2 ( and before- until nuion busting; deindustrialization, outsourcing, off-shoring, cheap foreign labor, cheap foreign oil; and now the TEA PARTY/KOCH BROTHERS REPUBLICAN PARTY UNHOLY ALLIANCE- and you get what we have here. - HARVESTER- IN 1980- was the HARBINGER- the canarty in the coal mine- we used to make scouts- now we make gm trucks- butr for how long? it could all go awaytomorrow, and then what? fort wayne has lost- soo many jobs- and soo many industries, and corpoprations- too many to count- but look at all the vacant land- from west coliseum blvd/california road- all the way to the old harvester tower; the pontiac st- the east end industries. Lincoln life- has flown the coop- via city subsidized ftw to phillie airways; we have ftw to charLOOT- so mark Becher; and his cronies- can LOOT THE CITY, feather their nests off the backs of the local workers, and retire to soth carolina- myrtle beach, golf, and no snow.. - wait and see- the emerald ash borer building project- is just as big a blight as the little green gbugs- again- a temporary life boat- for everyone who was left out in the cold- by waterfield mortgate bailing/collapsing in the first wave of mortgate bubbles; and lincoln life bailing on fort wayne for PHILLIE. WHY NO AIR FARES TO NEWARK NJ? land, hop a bus to manhattan- NYC- and youre in the big apple? commute from FTW to NYC? - fort wayne citizens- WE ARE SOOOO SCREWED IN SO MANY WAYS IT WOULD TAKE DAYS TO EXPLAIN IN DETAIL. Gina is doing a great job in documenting all the crookedness corruption, and generally evil deeds by our evil local Overlords.. so- I REMEMBER HOW IT USED TO BE..

COMPARISONS BETWEEN DETROIT AND FORT WAYNE: At tonight’s City Council meeting was a lot of comparisons between Detroit’s bankruptcy and Fort Wayne’s current economic stature. 

Depending on who you talk to, Fort Wayne is on the path to follow Detroit….at a time no one can predict. Because there was so many comparisons between Detroit and Fort Wayne, and so much of it is driven by fears, I feel that its appropriate for us all to take a moment to learn what happened to Detroit and objectively evaluate if Fort Wayne is on that trajectory….and if so, what can we do to modify that trajectory. Remember that at the height of the Great Recession in 2008, GM and the other auto makers were bailed out. (Other industries were bailed out as well.) The Great Recession, GM’s practices, and union pensions all contributed to the demise of Detroit.

But the ultimate nail in Detroit’s coffin was its myriad of conflicts of interest, flat out corruption and cronyism that plagued Detroit’s administration—like special real estate deals. In October, 2013, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was convicted of two dozen counts that included charges of racketeering and extortion, adding his name to a list of at least 18 city officials who have been convicted of corruption during his tenure.




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