Friday, May 2, 2014


i can smell the freedom from here. liberty; pursuit of happiness. 6=Tuesday VOTE ROACH SHERIFF DEMOCRAT PRIMARY 6=Tuesday VOTE ROACH FOR SHERIFF DEMOCRAT PRIMARY

HERES THE VIDEOTAPE: video doesnt lie. just the facts, ma'am( SGT JOE FRIDAY- DRAGNET..

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POLITICAL RUMOR CONTROL-"NULLIFICATION OF MARIJUANA LAWS IN ALLEN COUNTY . I SAID **NULLIFY**- NOT "NOT ENFORCE"- theres a very distinct difference. but the residents, citizens, and most importantly- the TAXPAYERS WILL BENEFIT. due to more freedom, less laws, lower expenses, lower taxes less govt- on the stupid laws. the laws that matter- will br prioritized depending on SHERIFF DEPT JAIL RESOURCES AVAILABLE. ( IMAGINE 8 MILLION BUCKS EXTRA "FREE"- to HEPL SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF?- I HAVE A SCHEME..)
NOTABLE QUOTE- Civil War General WT SHERMAN was being recruited to run for President. His response:
"If asked I will refuse. If Nominated, I will refuse to run. run. If elected I will refuse to serve"
So- in my case-If nominated, I will refuse to run; and if elected I will refuse to enforce..
but dont quote me on that- because i will do both. I will do it MY WAY- like the song..
AND AWAAAY WE GO: read the comments; and links-


Because I think it is an interesting idea. I said on TV-21- I would NULLIFY Marijuana laws in Allen County; and I would then do all I could to get marijuana legalized as Sheriff. That is different than "not enforcing the laws"- as Mr Pape wrongly quoted me as saying. Next- since when has NOT upholding/enforcing laws in allen county ever been AN ISSUE- SUCH AS THE SNOW SHOVELING ORDINANCE- ITS ON THE BOOKS, CITY COUNCIL WONT ENFORCE IT; AND yet- they wont change the law. DITTO- for the CITY ORDINANCE- on MANDATORY POLICE RETIREMENT AGE. - on the books, yet not enforced. Ditto for the CHERRYMASTER LAWS- on the books, never enforced- no political/police indictments. 
NEXT- by way of clarification- I only said Marijuana laws. not any other laws- so i suppose- if someone is busted with weed; I would order my officers to write a ticket- for lets say- disorderly conduct; or reckless driving, or something- leave out any possession/paraphrenalia charges- and then confiscate the contraband.( ditto for underage drinking.but im trying to keep everything focused on one single issue. then the confiscated weed- whe it reached a suitable aggregrate weight- then find a way to transort it legally to some legal jurisdiction- Colorado; Michigan, etc- and sell it off legally- and return the profits to the SHERIFFS DEPT OPERATING BUDGET- thus not having to beg county council for more money; thus saving taxpayers money. its win win win- stoners dont get charged with weed possession; etc; they still have to pay something- and the taxpayers save money. its creative outside the box law enforcement.
Im just keeping it simple- i would like tonullify all the stupid laws that senator wyss enacted as well- thus NULLIFYING WYSS'S 29 YRS AT THE STATEHOUSE.(lol)- such as seat belt scofflaws, .08; minors consuming- instead of arresting them, turn them over to their parents; and confiscate the liquor/beer; etc.
And any other stupid laws i can think of to NULLIFY.
iF cOUNTY SHERIFFS AROUND THE COUNTRY- right wing ones- can decide to not enforce any gun laws passed by their state house; or the federal govt- whats the difference- ohhhh- its a liberl doing it- we cant have that! oOOOOOOO! 
speaking of gun laws- i have a plan t- throw a wrench ointo the county gun trade as well. just wait-it will be great!!- ichatted with michelle BF- Hill- about it the other night. THE GUN NUTS WILL HAVE A FIT!!- this wi stir up such a sht-storm- it will make national news. why? because anyone who wants to make any gun safety reforms - is automatically labeled as a gun grabber; take away your guns; gon controller; etc- so- they will get it- the whole 9 yards( which refers to the 9 yards of 50 cal ammo in a WW2 Corsair- so giving something the whole 9 yards- is to empty the ammo on the target..LOL..
so- back to NULLIFICATION- I can simply claim the sheriff dept budget doesnt have the resources to go chasing after every weekend social drinker, harmless stoner, seat belt scofflaw, penny ante criminal- and to instead focus on the BIG FISH- crooked Politicians, white collar criminals; dangerous violent felons, the 7500 outstanding warrant backlog( at one time- under the HERMAN/SQUADRITO YEARS- it was up to as hihg as 12,000 for the record.
AND- after all- the majority of county voters- are centrist to radical republicans- They want less govt, less laws, more freedom, lower taxes- so- by re-focusing police resources( SUN-TZU)- to the most dangerous enemies- when win wins- we all win..(LOL).
AND- since the city and county have their interjurisdictional handshake agreement- about where they will patrol- Ill be happy to give the FWPD ; and PSD- all the rope they need to hang themselves with ( and saying THAT- will also stir up a sht-storm as well.LOL- - meaning- well- lest see if this GANBUSTERS( untouchables, redux)- squad- ; and theYORK as"general; and his 2 nig..- black chiefs in the SE quadrant can take a DENT out of crime( as in harvey DENT- (long local inside 
AND- heres a pair of ideas for fundraisers- SELL "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARDS- for say- 100 bucks, or 50 bucks or less even- - as a tribute; stone in the boot of FRIES, AND CO- about the MOSS/FRIES/DUI/ETHINC BOARD; SHERIFF ASSOC FLAP-- in JAIL HOUSE ORANGE( also- to remind everyone of the Gladieux fundraiser serving alcohol; and sponsored by county sheriff contractors- before the INK WAS EVEN DRY on the local trial/conviction ofDavid Bisard- 
why?- 1- any fundraiser with a bunch of republicans who all hate each other, and NO BOOZE- is sure to make any GLADIEUX FUNDRAISER SUCK!.2- a fund raiser with no booze- will make no or little funds- becuase the GOP ALL DRINK LIKE FISHES( see how mucvh booze was sold /bought for the lincoln day dinner, for exampole;
and 3- a COP who enforces DUI LAWS- and serves BOOZE at fundraiser- HAD BETTER BREATHLYIZE EVERY SINBGLE ATTNDEE- FOR .08- OR LESS- OR NOT LET THEM DRINK AND DRIVE ( thank you SEN WYSS! lol)- ANDS- COPS AND BOOZE DONT MIX- GLADIUEX; AND BIASRD. DAVE AND DAVE..( and if anyone brings up MY own 10+ yr old arrests for .10- when .10 was the "legal limit- i can bring up ALL THIS - AND talk about how the liquor/bar/nightclub businesses have spent MILLIONS in reducing DANGEROUS drinking and driving. 
so- there you have it-
1- common law- laws of Indiana.
3. ( 1878)
so- a friend gave me this idea- more or less- to draw in some TEA PARTY TYPES, right wing types; and stoners, and drunks, etc- and democrats...
the laws are vague enough; and to complicated to explain in a sound byte to hash out their exact meaning- but the common general concept- is the COUNTY SHERIFF- IS THE TOP COP IN THE COUNTY. OVER ANY FEDERAL AGENCY- OVER ANY LOCAL CITY POLICE- FWPD- NEW HAVEN; TOWN MARSHALL, ETC. 
and can declare martial law/ a state of emergency a public safetyemergency - for instance- to REALLY REALLY REALLY STIR UP A SH-T STORM OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.
sort of a left wing liberal version of the CLIVEN BUNDY FLAP IN NEVADA- 
but not as some wild eyed crazed gun nut- but as a opposite of that. (or to turn their little schemeds agains them.
DITTO FOR THE ALLEN COUNTY JAIL- instead of the stupid daily insults and indignations of short term inmates, mainly- like FRIES AND CO- DO HERE; AND THAT A55-HOLE AZ sheriff Joe Arpaio- the minor crime inmates; and short termers- will be treated constitutionally- ARTICLE ONE- INDIANA CONST. 
and the long termers- - LIFERS( hope plumadore; etc- are gone.. ick!- will be treated like the DOC- so they can transition more easily.
AND I WONT WONT WONT- privatize the JAIL TO CCA; OR THE OTHER PRIVATE FOR P[ROFIT PRISONS AS GLADIEUX HAS danced around with-private public partnerships- just what is that exactly>
so- to make a short story long- 
so as to not be taken out of context by sound byte politics- I AM A REAL DEMOCRAT; IM NOT IN THIS FOR MYSELF; AND I WILL GIVE THE CITIZENS THEIR FREEDOM FROM AL THE STUPID LAWS THAT WYSS, AND CO - THE NEO-PROBE( PROHIBITIONSISTS)- HAVE ENACTED- to shake down the citizens; and to use SMART LAW ENFORCEMENT to prioritz public safety. i mean JEEZ- fort wayne is already a modern ABILENE; DODGE CITY;TOMBSTONE/WILDWEST OUTLAW COWTOWN AS IT IS- so how worse could it get? 
win win..SIMPLE ISNT IT? please post any questions.. here.
Nullification, in United States constitutional history, is a legal theory that a state has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional. The theory of nullification has been rejected repeatedly and rarely legally upheld by the Federal courts.[1]

mark giaquinta; tim pape; john court; and "the usual suspects"
I DID IT MYYYYY WAY.. ( as played in movie "GOODFELLAS"- final scene)


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