Thursday, July 31, 2014



SMART ENFORCEMENT- Nullify stupid laws passed by GOP/Tea Party Schmucks. Arrest the "BIG FISH- corrupt   White Collar Crooks, cops, and politicians ; DITTO-dangerous violent career Criminally Insane.; and NUTS WITH GUNS.  Leave the "small fish" alone -Stoners, weekend social drinkers, seatbelt scofflaws, & most  non-violent "screw-ups"  END THE FAILED WAR ON DRUGS;  I will turn the screws on the  Dangerous "Right-to-Lifer DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" (per FBI.GOV;  GOOGLE; FACEBOOK- "DAVID ROACH FORT WAYNE" to learn more , or contact..

GOOGLE DAVID ROACH DEMOCRAT -LEGALIZE RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA IN INDIANA. The US GOVT- DOJ- has "de Facto" decriminalized  WEED- They have bigger fish to fry. . LOCK UP DOMESTIC TERRORISTS SUCH AS LOCAL RADICAL RIGHT -TO LIFE ORGANIZATIONS WITH TIES TO VIOLENT ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT.  invent creative ways to  tighten gun controls to keep us all safe from nuts with guns. spend the states $1 Billion dollar "surplus"- on mental health institutions - to help dangerous "insane"  to get well in a safe place. State Criminal Justice Reforms dont go far enough in returning our rights, liberties, freedoms, and justice  from tyrannical REPUBLICAN LUNATIC FRINGE State govt run amok the past 20+ years.
AND FURTHERMORE..David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach "serve and protect"- has been replaced by TICKET AND COLLECT- to FLEECE THE CITIZENS, AND FOR LAWYER WELFARE- ALSO- THE REST OF THE PARASITIC CRIMINAL INJUSTICE SYSTEM, AS WELL.- just another example of "steal from the poor to give to the rich..
greedy politicians, and police chiefs, and "public safety directors"( nice title for kicking an incompetent upstairs- YORK- after they pass the mandatory retirement age- but since when did command staff ever care about the laws?) 
make a million laws, that any day of life- a person breaks a dozen, or more; and suck the people dry. in a city like fort wayne- with a relatively low crime rate- excepting the stoners, drunks, screw-ups, traffic scofflaws, wife beaters, molesters, thieves, burglars, weekend gang violence( because they are poor, no hope for any change)-the occasional heinous murder-worthy of national tabloid TVmedia coverage, and the daily white collar crime by- in no particular order- ZOMBIE DEBT COLLECTORS, CROOKED COURT SYSTEM; WHITE COLLAR DEVELOPER, AND POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR SCHEMES, SCAMS, AND OUTRIGHT ROBBERY-- and so on- well- seems to me- theres plenty of crime to keep the SYSTEM BUSY- and the cash coming in- to leave the stoners, and weekend social drinkers and seatbelt scofflaws, and skateboard hooligans alone? 
oh- and lets not forget- the schoolyard bullies; and their little rackets in the juvenile justice system. the schools arent going to do anything about it- why cant a kid make a police report, and have their tormentors tossed in jail?
then we have the assortment of mentally ill, criminally insane; heroin addicts; prescription drug addicts; pharmaceutical drug pushers, mommy dealers- selling their prescription drugs to their friends, and their kids who stel them from the unlocked , unsecured medicine chests?-
and last- ( this is for you, darin)- the gun nuts - nuts with guns- who buy, sell, trade, and own a full metal jacket military arsenal- who are paranoid, deluded, gullible, prone to lunatic conspiracy theories about storm troopers, black helicopters, drones, govt surveillance, etc- who are the first ones who need to be head checked.. etc..- and the other folks who are more lilkely to shoot themselves, or their family accidently- who dont need more than a 5 round magazine- as they are crummy shooters, and waste ammunition, as they cant hit the proverbial broadsde of a barn, and besides- after one shot anyway- either thei intruders ( and what color ar e they?)- have returned fire- and your dead; or that wild boar, or coyote - is now in the woods, alughing- saying- stupid SOB- learn to shoot.. lol.. 
its a dirty job..THAT PAYS 140,000 BUCKS A YEAR, PLUS BENEFITS, AND FULL RETIRMENT AFTER ONE TERM..( SHERIFF..)- AND LOTS OF CASH TO BUILD THE LOCAL PARTY WITH..heck- i cant spel, type, or punctuate, but i can ride and shoot circles around the current GED opponent.. ( well- i can, but ill be pushing a pencil, mostly- because the sheriffs job is in all reality a mostly administrative job- sign this, call them, beg the county council for pennies to run a proper job, feed the inmates, wash their clothes, approive and register gun permits, and owners, evict the poor, auction their homes at sheriffs sales, serve summon s for shyster bill collectors, and lawyers, - arrest an ocassional warrant( 7000 or so as of today..)-
as i wont be wearing any uniform, or driving any marked cop car- my own- instead- i wont have to worry about getting shot by some stupid citizen in a traffic stop- ill dial 911- just like the rest of us- i figure its pretty good work if you can get it..
and-JR GLADIEUX EWING- THE OIL BARON/PRICE GOUGER/MONOPOLIST- can find a good sales job with his family OIL EMPIRE. so- all you stoners, weekend social drinkers, and other penny ante screw-ups, the reign oif terror is over. the rest of you crooked cops, politicians, white collar schemers, scammers, and racketeers- get out of DODGE NOW, ON THE MORNING STAGE. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF..

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